The offertory collection is by far our largest and most regular source of income.  Thus, a robust offertory is essential for keeping our parish strong.

In July our offertory got our new fiscal year off to a good start, though the following offertories have been less impressive.   Let's each do our part to support the good work of our parish. St. Francis has many committed, generous parishioners, and for that we are deeply grateful. We need everyone to give consistently and sacrificially.  If your financial stewardship has been lacking, now is a great time to get on board.

La colecta dominical es nuestra fuente de ingresos más grande y regular. Por lo tanto, su ofrenda es esencial para mantener fuerte a nuestra parroquia.

En julio nuestra ofrenda tuvo un buen comienzo para nuestro nuevo año fiscal, aunque los siguientes ofertorios han sido menos impresionantes.

Cada uno de nosotros tenemos la obligación de apoyar el buen trabajo de nuestra parroquia.  San Francisco tiene muchos feligreses comprometidos y generosos, y por eso estamos profundamente agradecidos. Necesitamos que todos den de manera constante y sacrificial. Si su administración financiera ha sido deficiente, este es un buen momento para sumarse.


Use this link to see annual offertory collections by year: Annual offertory, starting with FY 2009 

For information on parish income (offertory plus donations, etc.) and spending, go to our Financial Monthly Activity page.

For information on parish energy consumption and utility costs, go to our Utilities page.

If you still need to avoid attending Mass in person, contributing to the offertory takes a little extra effort. The easiest way is to give online at Alternatively, checks and cash can be mailed to the parish office (195 West 13th Street) or deposited into the night depository; look for the slot just to the right of the main door of the parish office.