The 12:30 choir is a multi-generational choir that sings nearly every week year round for the 12:30 Sunday Spanish Mass. Rehearsals are held regularly and the choir operates on a commitment period that roughly parallels the semesters of the school year. Please call the office (616-392-6700) or email Norene Walters (, Coordinator of Pastoral Music, if you would like more information.
Mission / Misión
The 12:30 Choir aims to give glory to God in providing increasingly polished music that adds beauty and assists the congregation in sung prayer for the 12:30 mass, and possibly at other parish liturgies from time to time.
El Coro de las 12:30 tiene como objetivo dar gloria a Dios al proporcionar música cada vez más mejorada que agrega belleza y ayuda a la congregación en la oración cantada de la misa de las 12:30 y en otras liturgias parroquiales que se celebran de vez en cuando.
Requirements / Requerimientos
The 12:30 Choir expects a high level of commitment from its members in order to carry out our mission.
El Coro de las 12:30 espera un alto nivel de compromiso de sus miembros para llevar a cabo nuestra misión.